Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fill the space...with a vase

Do you have a weird corner or space in your home that you just don't really know why it's there except to hold the darn ceiling/second floor up? I do.

A space taker upper that also holds the second floor up in between our kitchen and great room.

People say, "Oh you built your own house! You get to have everything exactly how you want it!" Sorry, no, this is not always the case. I would rather not have this thing here. But I need my ceiling to stay up. So here it is.
If it was larger we could put in a built-in bookcase, or a small piece of furniture. Nope.
What do I put there?

On one of our weekly trip to Menards for lumber and supplies (for a project I will share next week!) We strolled through the home decor section and ended up bringing home:

A vase with stick things! 
Actually, I saw the vases at Menards a few months back, but they were 60 bucks...although they are heavy duty...about 40-50 pound vases..I couldn't justify $60 for it. 
But this time...oh this time they were more than half off! 24.99 is more like it! And the sticks were only $2.99 per bundle. I will probably get one more.

I love the terracotta color, I almost got the red, but this goes better with the other accents in the living room, like my painted upholstery chair.

I love it right now. And since we haven't hung a thing on our walls yet...well, except toilet paper holders and towel brings a little more height in the room. I suppose we should get to hanging photos. But it's so hard to put holes in the walls when you pay so much to get them smooth!

So what do you think? Hate it? Love it? Better idea?! Tell me!
Are you a vase & sticks kinda person?
Do you have problems putting holes in your walls?
Any big weekend plans? We are going to a pizza cookoff!


  1. It looks perfect there!!

    And don't put holes in the walls. Use 3M picture hangers...everything light enough in our house is up with them. Lovvvvve them!! :)

  2. LOVE the vase with the stick thing ! Looks perfect !

  3. I have several vases with stick things! Heart it.

  4. I love it! It looks like that nook was made for that vase! :)

  5. Oo, good find! Fits perfectly there. :)

  6. I know what you mean about putting that first nail into your fresh walls! Not for the faint of heart. The house is looking great!

  7. It's so perfect for that space!! I have vases with stick things too! :) If I had new walls I'd be the same way about not wanting to put holes in them....unfortunately my home is 50 years old so I'm kinda like, "Screw it give me the nail and hammer" LOL


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