Sunday, December 2, 2012

Currently on the outside...

My dad is still hard at work on the exterior stone. He has been working from early morning before the dinner time...and sometimes after each day.

Night working...
Saturday he had a helper.
Adam and him worked all day Saturday....
Adam helps by cutting the stone for him and mixing mortar and bringing it up the scaffolding to him. 

and all day Sunday.

He is doing a great job and we love the way it looks already. He likes to do the work, but he said he is sick of seeing stone right now! I can understand working 13-14 hours a day on it!

Luckily we have had super nice weather all week. It has been unseasonably warm here in southern Illinois. It was in the upper 60's today and will be warm all week again.

His plan is to finish the upper portions now and head back north home for a little bit. Then when he comes back he can hang heavy tarps under the porch and finish if Winter weather actually kicks in.

Are you having unseasonably warm weather where you are too? 
What do you think of the progress on the exterior?

More interior photos coming this week!

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