Thursday, May 8, 2014

Wedding Anniversary & Home Building Advice for Couples

Today is our wedding anniversary! Now I'm officially an old married lady right? Can we still call ourselves newlyweds since we've been  married 4 years now? Don't care. Still doing it.

Four years ago today Adam and I tied the knot. It still feels like just last year! We had a great wedding day. A lovely day, kind of chilly, but still lovely.

And we've had an even better four years of marriage.
I think we'll make it a few more years together. As long as we don't have to build another house...

Before we built the house...
Other people: "If your marriage can make it through building a house together, it can get through anything!"
Us: "Yep, ok, haha."
After we built the house...
Us: "If your marriage can make it through building a house together, it can get through anything!"

So here is my two cents to those couples who are considering building home together.... since why wouldn't you listen to a marriage expert like me?

If you are taking on a big project like building a house for example. You won't always agree on everything. In fact, you might not agree on much.
Building a home is a huge deal, especially if you are acting as your own general contractor like we did!

You will lose sleep together, worrying about bills and bids. You will fight with each other, probably slam a door here or there, you might even flip each other off behind each backs one time...(guilty.)
But you'll get over it. You will compromise. You will get the job done. You will be able to sit down with a cold beverage (preferably with booze in it) and finally be able to enjoy your hard work.
And it will all be worth it.

We are celebrating our anniversary by doing just that. Relaxing together at home!

Photos courtesy of our wonderful photographers Lifeworks Imaging. Yes I was a blonde bride.
To see more of our wedding day photos see our 2 year Anniversary post!
To find out more about building our home, the construction process, and what I meant by acting as our own general contractor, check out our construction FAQ page.


  1. Hahaha! Happy Anniversary....and I agree on everything!!!


  2. It's so true. Add another house build in there, Nate and I are in it for the long haul. :P

    Happy Anniversary! Hope it's fantastic!!!

    1. I don't even want to think of building another house! You guys did TWO! You two are nutty. ;)

  3. Happy anniversary!!! While we didn't build a house, we sold my old townhouse, moved in with my hubby's parents for over a year and then bought and renovated a home...all within our first two years of marriage! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

    1. Gabbi! that is nutso! I bet you had plenty of stress just like us! Happy belated Anni. to you, only 1 day apart!

  4. Happy anniversary! I am currently in the process of building a house and I am in the design phase. I am trying to figure out what heating/cooling system to use any suggestions?

    1. That's Great news! We have a geothermal system. it's excellent!

      I talk about it here:

      and check out our Home Building Tab for more info on geothermal and other info about our proceess:

  5. Happy anniversary! That's awesome advice that totally applies to remodels too! :)

  6. I hope you guys had a great anniversary! I would love to build our own house someday, sounds like an adventure! ;)

  7. Happy anniversary! We just celebrated four years too and it doesn't feel that long at all. Dunno what those first few years woulda been like if we threw building a house into the mix though ; ]


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