Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dumpster Diving: Trash to Treasure

I knew this friend of mine was a good pal already. But when she told me she had a present for me....and it was in her trunk...and it came from a dumpster....because it just "Looked like something you would like!" I just knew she was a keeper!

Someone was remodeling a building in my sweet friend Lora's neighborhood. She snooped in the dumpster and she her fiancee rummaged through and salvaged a few items. Lucky for me, one of them reminded her of me.

And so in her trunk it went, then into mine!

This may look like trash to some...

 But a little soap and water, plenty of lysol, with a wipe of of Old English to add some moisture back into the wood, it had a new home.

Sure, it's not pristine, and it's weird shaped. It probably was just used to store tools or something. But I really dig the shape and color for some reason. Plus, it kind of reminded me of a rougher version of the Garrity Modular Cubby from good old Pottery Barn:

Maybe the PB Cubby's ugly step cousin?

My bunny of gold fit in nicely in one of the cubby holes...but Easter was over, so it was time for this little rabbit to get boxed up until next year.

Don't get upset with his replacement. I think you will approve. I replaced the bun with booze.

Although I really love my $25 estate sale china cabinet. It's not as tall as I would like. Someday I plan to replace her with the perfect estate sale find. Or if I can talk Adam into it,  a DIY build. 

This new salvaged wine cubby brings a little height to the cabinet, and doubles as storage.

I added old books from sales and thrift stores, a little chalkboard frame, and the wine. Needs more wine I think. Never enough wine.

In the top corner I added my collection of driftwood I picked up on the beach at Gulf Shores this year. I decided on driftwood instead of seashells this beach vacation! Something different.

This mint pitcher was my Great Aunt Katie's. The little blue jar was in a mystery box of stuff from an estate auction.

I think the weathered look on the side is my favorite part! The piece also looked good turned the other side for a different look. I may try that for a change sometime.

I'm still deciding if I should add something on the very top. Or will that make it look cluttered? Maybe 3 potted succulents?

Would you add something on top or will it look to cluttered?
Are you a dumpster diver?
Anyone else find something you just LOVE in someone else's trash?


  1. Works perfectly just above your China cabinet! Nice find : ]

  2. I have not done any dumpster driving but I am by no means afraid to give it a whirl. Hahahaha!! Great find, it looks AWESOME!!!

  3. I totally would dumpster dive! One mans trash is another mans treasure. ;)

  4. Wow, I gotta be honest: I was not feelin' it. But then you threw it up there and styled it and it was like, "OBVIOUSLY. Of course that's fabulous. How did I not see?!"

    1. It's ok, the people that threw it out didn't see how fab it could REALLY be too at first! Their loss ;)

  5. Friends that dumpster dive for you are friends for life! I love it placed above your cabinet. Everyone could use a lil more wine storage!

  6. That piece is awesome! It's a keeper, and so is your friend! ;)

  7. Score!! I'm a dumpster-diver in my dreams....not so in reality yet. But I do have a pickup truck, so I hope to start soon. ;)



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