Monday, August 27, 2012


The rock has arrived!

The stone will be on the exterior front of the home, as well as the fireplace.

Machine cut, webwall stone.

And also, I finally picked out a color for the living room and kitchen area the day the stone arrived. The perfect beige, with yellow base, not green!

 The color I had thought I liked, looked terrible with the stone. And since the fireplace will be so large, it's obviously important. So I sat at the house for an hour, bringing sample stones inside and holding up colors. And the winner is...

Sherwin Williams Camelback.
And Adam has been busy, he started the black tar paper on the front of the home. He still needs to finish above the front porch, but I'm guessing he's waiting for my dad to help him with that...

So what do you think? I am so excited for Adam and my dad to start the stonework.


  1. The color you picked will look great! Holy crap i'm getting exciteeeeeed!

  2. Wow that's a whole lot of stone! But it will look fantastic :)

  3. Very nice color choice! What does the black tar paper do? We just bought a house, and I don't remember seeing that while they were building it. Just curious.

  4. Ahhh so exciting! The color you chose looks perfect!!

  5. I'm glad you are telling blog land to shove its love of grey. Great color choice!!

  6. It's going to look great! I think the paint colors you picked work really well with the stone. I can't wait to see it all done (and I bet you can't either)!

  7. Aahhh this is awesome! Also I agree with DecorandtheDog.

  8. omgggg this is sooo exciting!!! i love your entryway and the stone is seriously beautiful! the color you choose looks like it accents it perfectly. I am on pins and needles waiting for more!!

  9. I love the stone. You have done a great job picking out everything. I can't wait to see it. love you, Aunt Mo


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