Sunday, May 20, 2012

Framing 4 & 5

I know it's sort of hard to imagine what a room is what with just framing, but I'll do my best to point rooms out.

 When we drove down the lane Friday evening we saw this...

OMG a house!

Garage framed


We have steps

Large window in dining/kitchen

another dining/kitchen angle

Laundry room.
That little indent is so the fridge will be flush with the pantry cabinets.

Taken from standing in living room, looking into entry.

Cheesin' it with a cold one in my walk in coset. Oh yes.

partial of living room and kitchen/dining area

Adam looking out the Master bedroom windows

Don't judge, it was the weekend.

Living room.


My closet. The door looks so large because they will be pocket doors.

Adam's closet. Or maybe this can be for my shoes. 

French doors and windows in the living room.

Always measuring now that boy.

Back view. 

Basement with steps, so now we don't have to run around the house.
Although, Scout prefers that route.
And that my friends, was just week one of framing. I think I was so excited I forgot to take photos of the master bathroom. Next time.

We've had lots of visitors stop by and it's so fun to give the tour now that it's not just some dirt and flags. We will have some special visitors Memorial day weekend too!

Plenty of updates coming soon. Things are getting fun now. Who wants to come over for Coronas in one of my walk in closets? You bring the lime!


  1. Yay! Framing is TOTALLY the first big, fun step because you can get a feel for the room sizes. So exciting!

  2. Looking good! You're going to have a house before you know it!

  3. It looks amazing!!!! How exciting!! I love that you are blogging all of this! So neat!

  4. I'm so excited to see this thing go up!! I'll bring the limes, no problem :)

  5. WOWOWOWOW!!! It looks awesome - and so BIG! I'm on my way with the limes. :)


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