Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Recipe: Baked Peaches & (ice) Cream

Today I will share with you a fruit and ice cream treat Adam and I tried. I can't take all the credit, this recipe was inspired* by my friend Lora. I changed it up a little.

*I say inspired because her recipe did not include all the butter..or ice cream, or honey either....but health shmealthy right? This is still much healthier than my usual choice of ice cream treat covered in chocolate...

Baked Peaches & (ice) Cream

First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Then, gather your ingredients. 
Fresh peaches, butter, honey, brown sugar, and vanilla ice cream. (not pictured)

Cut your peaches in half and throw the pit out. Eat the half of the peach that doesn't have the hole from the pit. I suppose you could use that in the recipe too, but I say you should eat it....because I was starving.
Couldn't resist a bite...
Put your halved peaches in a casserole dish.

Add a dollop of butter to each peach. Yes, a big old dollop. Remember, I told you this was not the healthy recipe. Plus, it just looks like a huge chunk, these are tiny peaches!

Sprinkle brown sugar, and drizzle a a smidge of honey over the buttered up peaches.

Now, they are ready to bake.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes, until your butter is melted and bubbling a little over the peaches. They will be hot, and soft.

Scoop in your vanilla ice cream, add another drizzle of honey and enjoy the melty ice cream & peaches goodness.

I'm talking, really good stuff.

Fresh peaches
Brown Sugar 
Vanilla Ice Cream 

Wash & cut your peaches in half. 
Remove pits.
Add a teaspoon-ish of butter, sprinkle of brown sugar, drizzle of honey.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, until butter is bubbling.
Remove from oven, add ice cream.

Have you tried warming your peaches or any other fruits before?
Any other yummy ice cream treat recipes I should try?


  1. OMG.

    I am drooling.

  2. You know...I'm not a fan of peaches, but this actually looks really yummy to me! I might have to add a little rum.... =D


  3. Such a KOOL IDEA!! thanks for sharing !!!!

  4. HOLY MOLY that looks good!! Want to make me some too? :)

    1. come on over! we have a bowl full of peaches waiting...

  5. Mmmmmmm, me want. The husband hates peaches. And any good tasting fruit. Fail.

  6. Healthy schmealthy, that's what I always say! This looks DELISH!

  7. ooooh you can't go wrong with peaches. Definitely one of my top 5 fruit picks. I just ate one, in fact. This looks yummy and easy!

  8. Ohhhh why did I just read this at 10:30 at night?!! Now I totally need dessert!! Looks amazeballs. :)


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